Compassion Australia is committed to high standards in ethical, environmentally sustainable, and socially responsible procurement. By asking our suppliers to adhere to this code of conduct we can work together to foster sustainable and responsible business practices throughout our supply chain.

Comply with the Law

Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws, regulations and industry standards, including laws related to money laundering, bribery and the financing of terrorism.

Respect Worker’s Rights

Workers are to be recruited ethically and without coercion and provided with written and understandable information about their employment conditions before they enter employment. Suppliers must respect the rights of their workers, including but not limited to the prohibition of discrimination and harassment in any form. Suppliers must provide a safe and healthy work environment for their workers and take appropriate measures to prevent work-related illnesses and accidents.

Act against Modern Slavery

Suppliers must seek transparency in their supply chain and implement effective measures to reduce the risks of modern slavery within their supply chains or in any part of their business. Where appropriate these measures will include having a modern slavery policy and providing training and education to their workers on modern slavery, its risks, and how to identify and prevent it.

Be Environmentally Responsible

Suppliers must minimise the environmental impact of their operations and commit to responsible environmental practices, including by complying with environmental laws and regulations, preventing pollution, conserving resources, and promoting sustainability in their operations and supply chain.

Avoid Conflicts of Interest

Suppliers must avoid financial, business or other relationships which may compromise the performance of their duties under their business agreement with Compassion Australia. Suppliers must declare to Compassion Australia any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest related to their dealings with Compassion Australia.

Practise Good Governance

Suppliers are expected to conduct periodic risk-based assessments and due diligence of their own operations, take reasonable actions to prevent breaches of this Code, and take immediate and effective action to address any failures to comply with this Code.

Compassion Australia may periodically undertake risk-based assessments and due diligence of Supplier's operations and supply chains. On request from Compassion Australia, a supplier will provide relevant information and data to demonstrate its ongoing compliance with this Code.