Disaster Relief
When a disaster like Typhoon Rai strikes in the Philippines, local Compassion staff are often the first to respond.
There is no such thing as disaster insurance when you live in poverty.
Why Disaster Relief is so important

In the past 30 years, the frequency and impact of natural disasters has quadrupled

From 2000-2012 1.2 MILLION have been killed by natural disaster

The number of people affected globally by natural disasters has risen by an estimated 50,000 to 60,000 per decade since the early 1970s

It is estimated that since 1980, low-income countries accounted for only 9 percent of global disasters but 48 percent of global-disaster reported fatalities. This is due to the fact that developing countries often suffer from poor physical infrastructure and lack systems to cope with weather-related events, such as drought and flooding
Sources: Child Fund; APPS; UNISDR; World Bank
When earthquakes cause buildings to crumble and floods sweep everything away, it is children who are the hardest hit. Their most basic needs are threatened, and every sense of protection and security is stripped away.
Through our generous supporters, local churches and Compassion staff are often the first to respond when disaster strikes. Compassion works to assist in the relief and rehabilitation that is vital for restoring children and families in our programs after a disaster. Support is provided on two fronts:
- Relief activities include the provision of emergency food and water, temporary shelters, personal items, cooking utensils, trauma counselling and spiritual support.
- Rehabilitation activities include clothing and school supplies, replacing household items, restoring livelihood items and continued counselling and support, if needed.
Your support allows effective and quick response when disaster threatens the safety and stability of Compassion assisted children and their families.
To stay up to date on current natural disasters and crises, please see our crisis reports page.