In 2021, we have come together as neighbours to help release over 2.1 million children from poverty in Jesus' name. Thank you for your support!

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2021 has called for generous love. 

The world has suffered through COVID-19, devastating natural disasters and an increase in extreme poverty for the first time since 1998.

Yet even through this hardship, the love you have shown through your support has made an incredible impact. This year has been one of shared challenges, and God's church has stood united, serving the poor and vulnerable. Through a common experience, the world has come together as neighbours.

You can discover the full impact of your generosity in the 2021 financial year in our Annual Report or explore some of the highlights below.

In Australia, over 90,000 sponsors have partnered with 8,000 churches in the field to show each child they are known and loved. Poverty brings shame and isolation, but the love of the local church shows each child they are unique, special and loved by God.

"Compassion is the capacity to put love into action. That is what I believe." —Romel, Compassion graduate, Philippines

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Mums and Babies

Compassion works with mums and babies to prevent premature death, secure good health and enable positive development for babies and their caregivers. In partnership with Compassion, local churches run activities and carry out regular home visits. Mums and Babies helps provide the support needed for the best start to life.

In the 2021 financial year, the generosity of Compassion Australia supporters ensured:

  • 1,179 babies, plus their caregivers, are supported with the resources, education and essentials they need
  • 54 Mums and Babies projects could serve their communities around the world

Globally, over 24,000 babies were supported by Compassion's local church partners thanks to your support.


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Child Sponsorship

We believe every child is special and uniquely made by God, so our Child Sponsorship Program is tailored to meet their specific needs while treating them with the dignity and respect they deserve. Poverty looks different for each child, but our goals stay the same: good health, good skills, good relationships and the opportunity to hear the Good News.

In the 2021 financial year, the generosity of Compassion Australia supporters ensured:

  • 126,241 children are sponsored and given holistic support and development to release them from poverty in Jesus' name
  • 111,836 letters could be sent to those children by sponsors, filled with words of encouragement and hope

Globally, over 2.1 million children were supported as part of Compassion's programs.


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Critical Needs

Every child will, at some point, require care beyond sponsorship’s reach and Critical Needs helps provide holistic support to each Compassion assisted child. These projects ensure that all areas of a child's life receive care. Critical Needs includes projects such as Water and Sanitation, Disaster Relief, Health, Infrastructure and more.

In the 2021 financial year, the generosity of Compassion Australia supporters ensured:

  • Over 164 new toilets were installed to improve the hygiene of over 8,000 children
  • 200 homes could be built to keep 346 vulnerable children and their families safe from the elements
  • 42 new classrooms connected to Compassion centres were constructed so over 2,700 children have suitable learning environments

And so much more! Across a total of 132 Critical Needs projects, over 129,000 children were supported with life-changing projects.

In addition, your support towards Disaster Relief helped provide for families living in poverty who were impacted by COVID-19. This practical support included:

  • Over 10 million food packs 
  • Over 7.5 million hygiene kits 
  • Over 1.5 million medical treatments 


As a Christian charity, Compassion Australia is committed to the wise stewardship of your generosity. To read our financial statements from the 2021 financial year, you can download our 2021 annual report.

On behalf of Compassion, our local staff around the word and the children we serve, thank you!

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To everyone in our neighbourhood: sponsors, supporters, businesses, churches, ambassadors, advocates and families—thank you! You have put love into action and made 2021 a year of huge impact for children living in poverty.

We are incredibly grateful for your ongoing and faithful support. Only together as a global neighbourhood can we release children from poverty in Jesus' name.

Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. —1 John 3:18 (NIV)

Want to learn more about Compassion's programs and how you can help children living in poverty? Don't miss our docuseries, The Good Neighbour, streaming now on YouTube.