Sign up to be a Compassion Good Neighbour and support children waiting for a sponsor
Compassion’s child development program is a proven way to equip children to rise above poverty. But connecting children with a loving sponsor takes time—four months on average.
Your monthly donation will be pooled with others to secure more children’s participation in the program at their local church. This means they can start receiving holistic support as soon as they are registered.
By becoming a Compassion Good Neighbour, you will:

Enjoy the flexibility to donate an amount that suits and easily change your donation amount or cancel when you need

Ensure a child can have immediate access to critical care like a good education, nutritious food and medical check-ups

Know you are following the call of Jesus to love your neighbour by looking after children in the global neighbourhood

Provide our local church partners with funds they urgently need to welcome more children into their care.
How your support impacts children like Jean
In Rwanda, 9-year-old Jean dreams of becoming a teacher. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it made it harder for children like Jean to go to school. But it was also a tough time for his sponsor. When his sponsor had to stop their support, staff at Jean’s Compassion centre continued to care for his needs as always.
Jean still attended his Compassion centre each week and was provided with the school supplies he needed while waiting for a new sponsor. “I learn a lot during the program and my tutors answer many of the questions I ask,” says Jean.
“I’m grateful to the centre that even without a sponsor my child benefits from food relief, nutritional support and get scholastic materials like other sponsored children,” says Claudette, his mother.
Your support means children like Jean do not have to put their dreams on hold—they can receive the same love and support that sponsored children do.
Become a Compassion Good Neighbour and ensure no child gets left behind.